Cheshire, Beeston Castle

Cheshire continues to be a black and white location. I’d hoped for a good sunset but it turned cloudy and wet, hence the B+W treatment. The location is the Peckforton hills, a short stretch of sandstone hills with three castles, the most famous one being Beeston Castle.

I used the Pentax K20D for a change. I think the quality is pretty much indistinguishable from the Olympus, though perhaps I can generally get sharper results with the Olympus.

I should own up that the shot of the blossoming branch was taken near Dunham Massey a few days before. It seemed to belong and I didn’t want a post just for that (and it’s an Olympus shot).

Wrynose Pass, 15th February 2016

Perfect walking weather in the Lake District. Sparking snowy tops, clear blue sky. Actually, I’d prefer worse weather for taking good photographs, you get more drama but I shouldn’t complain.

You can drive to the summit of Wrynose Pass at about 400 metres and from there in about half a horizontal mile and 300 metres of ascent to Cold Pike of Pike o’Blisco and panoramic views. West to the sea. North to Skiddaw above Keswick. South east to Windermere and the Howgill Fells.


Langdale Pikes, 10th February 2016

I need to apologise for the number of pictures in this gallery post. One of the rules of presenting your photographs is to edit ruthlessly and I should probably only be showing half of these but I couldn’t help myself.

I went to Langdale, one of my favourite places, in the hope of spectacular sunset light catching the pikes. I remember being there last autumn and seeing a truly spectacular light show on their southern flank but I wasn’t in position for it. This time I was in the right place but the light show didn’t happen. The sun went down behind the Bowfell range and the shadows crept up the face opposite. I wasn’t too disappointed though. I was on Side Pike which commands a panoramic view and has some nice features for wide angle shots.

All shots taken with the Olympus OMD-EM10 and 14-42mm pancake lens.


Snowdonia Rain

Landscape photographers have to take their chances where they can get them. I went over to Snowdonia yesterday knowing that the forecast was changeable. It only really changed from light rain to heavy rain. I only got one reasonable shot from the day and here it is.

Llyn Gwynant Boat House
An old stone boat house on Llyn Gwynant, Snowdonia